April 14, 2011

We Want to be God

Today everyone can be a hero or a perfect man. It's the desire to be God that drives us. Not that we literally think we are God, but we regard ourselves as the enjoyers and controllers - that is only God's position. Krishna is the only controller and enjoyer. The soul has fallen down into the material world to imitate Krishna in that capacity.

At the present moment, of course, it is the age of Kali - a time when the physical and mental properties of man and the universal interaction is at a very low level, so most people don't know much. Most people are just mindless consumers going with the flow of society. But internet has saved us. Now evryone can become the hero they want to be.

Actually, Krishna is the only hero, but the soul tries to imitate Him. The natural, eternal position of the soul is to be the passive principle in relation to Krishna - but instead we play the role of active enjoyers. That's how we want to be God. In reality, it is only Krishna who is the most beloved son, the all-loving father, the most dear friend, and the most beautiful lover.

The soul can have 5 basic relationships with Krishna -

1. Shanta rasa is a neutral relationship with God. God is regarded as the original creator and cause of all causes, and the maintainer of everything.

2. Dasya rasa means that you see God as your Lord and master. You are willing to serve Him with your life and soul. Krishna is the most perfect and munificent lord one can have.

3. Sakhya rasa is the stage, where you see Krishna as your best and most intimate friend. Here the soul forgets that Krishna is God. He only regards Krishna as his best most beloved friend.

4. Vatsalya rasa is the parental relationship. Here the soul is Krishna's father or mother. You are God's parent. Krishna is your little kid.

5. In Madhurya rasa the soul only sees Krishna as her most intimate lover. You are God's girlfriend.

All the relationships we have in the material world to partner, children, family, friends, and society are nothing but distorted imitations of the soul's original relationship to God.

But in the material world, I am God.

Now, on internet, I can play God. I kan kill monsters and demons. I can go to war and win honor and power. I can save the maiden from peril, and win her heart - exactly as Krishna does. I can create worlds and lord it over my subjects. In this way, many people spend whole lives in Cyberspace, and act out their desires to play God.

Or if one is too much of a loser to play roles in cyberspace, you can sit in front of the TV, and watch all the heros doing what you would like to do. Accompanied by endless packets of cigarettes, cups of tea, and beer, you follow fiction characters on the screen, doing all the stuff you'd like to do.

Internet and movies and series are nothing but a diversion for the soul's perverted desires to act out as Krishna in His position as the highest controller and enjoyer.

Krishna says:

I am the only enjoyer and master of all sacrifices. Therefore, those who do not recognize My true transcendental nature fall down. (Bg. 9.24)