The truth is that nothing ends well. Everything always goes to pieces, because everything ends in disease, old age, and death. And in the mean-time, while waiting for the inevitable, something always goes wrong - to one's nearest and dearest, to society and to the rest of the world. So when children are told throughout their whole upbringing, that everything is going to be Ok and end on a happy note, it is one big lie.
People nowadays are just as misled and confused as in earlier times. Today people are just covered by a different paradigm. Before, people were kept in awe and reverence by magic tricks and wonders , nowadays people are kept in awe by technology and unconsciousness-philosophy. By unconsciousness-philosophy I refer to the weird phenomenon that the vast majority of the world population believe: that by absorbing oneself in a culture of external mechanical matters is the way to peace and happiness. In fact, everyone is being told that the present Western surface-culture is the pinnacle of all human knowledge, endeavor and advancement. From the earliest age children are being told that now a days we know, we have discovered the real world, and everything in the past people thought they knew is just superstition and myths.
How is it anything but dogmatic to assume, that everything people knew before, millions of years ago, is merely superstitions and myths, and what we have learned about the world after the industrial revolution is factual knowledge?
That's another basic lie the modern human being is being indoctrinated with in the present consumer-culture, which unfortunately sets the agenda of the world. There has always been a ruling class, which has controlled the broad masses with propaganda. That's visible all the way down through history. Today people are told that what's in the peer-reviewed scientific journals is true, or it is true because a person in a white coat and ugly tie says so on a screen, and it is being backed by mathematic equations and a jargon that nobody comprehends one single syllable of. They talk about atoms and molecules as if it had anything to do with the reality people live in.
The fact is, that no one experiences atoms and molecules. Who cares that everything is but tiny little paticles of matter rotating around in his brain, if everything is going to hell, or I can't get my desires fulfilled?
If I am in pain and suffering, what do I care what happens on the micro-level? If I'm in the middle of a divorce, is it then what happens on the micro-plane, I first think of? Or if my child is sick or I've been diagnosed with terminal cancer, am I going to sit and analyze what happens on the atomic level? Is it at all relevant for my psychic well-being whether I know what happens on the micro-level?
Wouldn't it be better to have a program that can teach me the psychic aspects of life? It is on the mental level we experience happiness and distress, and that is why it is possible to control one's happiness and distress by controlling the mind through the Vedic program.
Krishna says:
One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well.
(Bg. 6.5)
For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.
(Bg. 6.6)
Maybe I can't get my desires fulfilled, maybe my life is chaos and I don't have any money, and the last thing that kept me going, my girlfriend, just left me. How does that feel? Then I probably think that if I could just fulfill my desires, then I would be happy.
But the fact of the matter is, that there are tons of people in the world who have all their desires fulfilled - the rich, the famous and the beautiful. They have gotten just the partner they always wanted, they have their desired job, the house they always dreamt about, just the right car, the one in the commercials, and just the right kids etc.etc. - but they are also frustrated. They also use drugs and commit suicide. They are also alcoholized. And in stead of worrying about the 300 bucks they don't have for the rent, they worry about 3 million bucks the don't have for a mansion. The worry and an anxiety is exactly the same. The pain and loss is the same. The disease is the same. And death is the same for all human beings no matter their situation or the body they inhabit.
It is the unavoidable experience of becoming sick, growing old and dying we have to learn how to process in our minds. That is not being taught in the modern culture. In stead, we are told, don't think so much about these existential matter, nobody knows for sure, anyway. Better forget about the whole thing. Why waste time thinking about the inevitable?
But it is only by knowledge of one's real center, one's true self, that one can obtain real success in life, and by success I don't mean economical success and social prestige. Real success is to remain satisfied in life regardless of one's social position or bodily features and constitution.
Modern science deals with external, physical forms, but not with internal, psychic forms, and it is this lack of a meaningful inner life, science cannot help us with, and which makes modern people frustrated.
If someone says, 'but I am not frustrated, I don't suffer', then what can I say? They are either lying or too young and inexperienced, or too unintelligent to understand they are suffering - like an animal. Or they have become too empty headed and thoughtless by drugs and alcohol or by shear coziness with coffee and cake in front of the TV.
In former times it was priests and the sages who were the top class of society. To day that class has been replaced by the business class. Today merchants and industrialists rule the world. Who can deny that the world is run by money? But the producers of the consumer goods still need priests or rather scientists (the new priests) to tell people what to think and believe. And besides, they need them to fabricate military equipment and technology. It should come as a surprise to no-one that the manufacturing of weapons is the biggest industrial enterprise in the world.
Everything that people are indoctrinated into believing has been made into one world-wide ideology, which has only managed to spread globaly due to TV and information technology. The global culture it is called. The only global thing about it is that now Coca-cola, MacDonald's, and Levis have made the whole world into their gigantic, all-pervading market-place. In remote villages in India you can't get pure water, but you can get Coca-cola. And before it used to be the Communists who were the enemy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall that enemy was replaced by Arab, Moslem terrorists.
The truth is that people now a days are not more happy and satisfied than they were before. It is not possible to find real happiness in a technocratic surface-society where everything has been reduced to atomic, unconscious processes.
Dissatisfaction and frustration just increase, and increase in such a society. And all the while the population is being lied to - the lie that technological together with economical advancement is the solution to all problems. Existential problems are ever escalating in society. For instance, the sales of anti-depressant drugs have shot through the roof in the last few years, but still we are being told that everything can be solved by economical advancement and technology. We are fed an endless stream of movies from Hollywood where scientists and technology take care of all problems. Nothing could be further from the truth.
There is no better description of how the psychic plane functions than the one we find in the Bhagavad Gita. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna describes nature in relation to the conscious, psychic and physical aspects of nature(the self, the mind and the body, and how they work according to the three modes of nature - goodness, passion, and ignorance.
By the aid of this science one can estimate exactly anyone's mental situation and guide oneself to become a more satisfied and wholesome person. One can use this science to handle psychic problems in the form of depression, manias, boredom or whatever makes the Western society ripe with suicide and insane crimes.
Anyhow, by the science of self-realization described by Krishna in Bhagavad Gita one can get a reading on nature, the body, and thoughts and feelings in the mind. The ruling class tells people that they can be happy by sense-gratification, technology and economic advancement, but is not true. Nobody, no matter how much sense-gratification and money they have had access to in the modernized, technological existence have ever become happy and satisfied; on the contrary, all statistics point to the opposite.
Anyone who so desires can be take help from the Bhagavad Gita to learn how to live a wholesome and satisfying existence. Regardless of one's beliefs, the process works. All one has to do is to apply the program in one's life. Then enlightenment and satisfaction happens automatically.
Here, the analogy of the computer is appropriate. The body is the hardware, the mind is the software, and the self or the soul is the user. The mind is like a software which is meant to interact with material nature in such a way as to minimize suffering and maximize happiness. If one gets to know how to work this software, the beneficial effects on the mind become an empirical fact. It is a direct observable fact that the human mind works best when applied to the Vedic model.
In the present age of Kali, people are very unhappy and frustrated, and that is because they have created a mechanistic, impersonal conception of nature. But not all the wealth, bodily gratification, and power will ever be able to slake our thirst for happiness and satisfaction in life.
Krishna says:
One who is not connected with the Supreme [in Krishna consciousness] can have neither transcendental intelligence nor a steady mind, without which there is no possibility of peace. And how can there be any happiness without peace? (Bg. 2.66)
O learned Uddhava, those who fix their consciousness on Me, giving up all material desires, share with Me a happiness that cannot possibly be experienced by those engaged in sense gratification.
--Srimad Bhagavatam 11.14.12
The happiness for which we are all looking can only be obtained by knowing nature and God, as they are. Modern man is not being equipped to handle his own psyche. There are no programs for psychic welfare, none that work, anyway, except drugs manufactured by big corporations. According to the Vedic Version it is our collective psyche that forms the material world. By manipulating one's own psyche one can manipulate matter - subtle matter in the form of thoughts, feelings, will-power, happiness, pain, etc.
We live in a culture dedicated to machines. In a better and more healthy culture, one learns how nature is a result of one's consciousness. That is not done by viewing nature as merely some matter meant for producing consumer-good and military equipment. A culture based on exploiting nature's resources in the interest of business-interests will not have peoples' welfare in sight.
In an ideal society, the ruling powers will be able to keep their citizens happy and satisfied. A proper state based on God-Consciousness will secure nature's cooperation and in this way make sure that the citizens are not harassed by natural disturbances like catastrophes and horrible diseases.
But when trying to inform a misled world about the eternal Vedic philosophy and knowledge, which has practical solutions to all problems, and which has been passed down by ancient sages since time immemorial, one is dismissed as a fanatic sect-member, or it's being brushed aside as insane conspiracy theories.
But that is just the modern sly strategy, which by one-sided propaganda maintains the ruling paradigm of the day, and forces people into thinking in a certain way. It cannot be denied that there has always been a ruling class of any society that control the masses.
People in the modern culture think they are not being controlled. They think they are enlightened have a say about government. Everything is run by democracy and equality. Yet another lie with which people are being indoctrinated in the consumer-society.
People are as strictly controlled and manipulated as they have always been. Today people are just being brain-washed in a different fashion than before - first and foremost by the mass-media . in former times people were controlled by religion, in the modern world people are being controlled by politics, and brain-dead TV-entertainment.
Modern people are largely well-educated technocrats, and they have created an entire culture around it. But these well-educated enlightened people are no less manipulated, controlled and exploited than a primitive, illiterate jungle-dweller. They still follow the masses, going with the flow, as they are being trained to by ungodly forces, who have been given dispensation to rule in the age of Kali. And the only way out of this is genuine God-Consciousness.
And you don't have to take it on my mere say so. The Bhakti-process advocated in the Bhagavad Gita and the Bhagavat Purana is a scientific process, that work's whether you believe it or not. You can know that Krishna is God with same finality as you can know that two plus two is four. All you have to do is test the process and verify it.
Krishna says:
Now hear, O son of Pritha, how by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from doubt. (Bg. 7.1)
This knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all secrets. It is the purest knowledge, and because it gives direct perception of the self by realization, it is the perfection of religion. It is everlasting, and it is joyfully performed. (Bg. 9.2)