October 5, 2011

Big Bang? hahaha :)

By Murari Das

The first problem with the Bing Bang theory and the theory of evolution is that they are both theories, so they should not be accepted as fact...yet.

Second problem is that there is no room for God in either theory, and humans are just the latest in a line of animals, governed by the law of the jungle which is the only REAL law.

There is no right or wrong in a moral sense, only in the sense of whether the species will survive or not. Hitler and Stalin were both social Darwinists, and like any other powerful animal, they did whatever they saw
necessary for the survival of themselves and their people. This is quite acceptable in a jungle. Animals, reptiles and insects are not hauled beforecourts and tribunals to answer for the deaths they cause, it is all quite
natural. A fox that gets into a chicken coop and slaughters ever hen in the place is a problem. If you can catch and kill it, good for you. But the fox is not considered sinful or criminal; it is after all, just an animal

Without God, humans are not fettered by any laws other than what apply to the fox...Do whatever you think you can get away with.

Justice, morals, ethics, compassion, truthfulness, austerity, sacrifice, sympathy, kindness and many more qualities are absent from the jungle and the animal world. They are meaningless in a world that knows nothing of God.

Without God there is no purpose to the world. It is a freak accident caused by random mutations and survival of the fittest. There is no meaning to life and never will be. All life is just chemicals interacting for a short space
of time with other chemicals, and then becoming inert again. What's the big drama in that? Why the desperate urge to survive? Why the fear of dying? Ifwe are our bodies, then we come from the earth and return to the earth. Why the big palaver over 60 - 70 kilos of dirt and water that combine and move around for 70 - 80 years and then stop and return to the earth?

These aspects of Big Bang and evolution are never emphasized because the productivity of the nation would decline rapidly if everyone thought whatever they were doing was pointless. A reduction in productivity means
less money, which means less power and influence for the leaders of the country.

The more God is fazed out of society, the more godlessness (animal life) will increase.

Sex-life and maintaining the family will be the only reasons for life.

Big Bang and evolution, (and the corruption in religion), are root causes for this.

This is the most demeaning, deceitful and despicable nonsense that is being pushed down the throats of an unsuspecting, un-protesting, helpless public.

It makes me sad.

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