January 3, 2011

The Blind Masses

For the first time in history the broad masses have been given a voice in the public... via internet.

The broad masses don't understand how they are being manipulater and controlled by the ruling powers. Either privately or publically they simply express the dominating reality-version and philosophy of the times.

It has never before happened that illusion, ignorance and sin was spread far and wide to the public. Ones sinful activities and ignorance was kept to oneself. They weren't used to create public opinion. In earlier times, when people were more enlightened, the rallying around glorifying illusory, animalistic principles did not exist.

Since the society was ruled by godly powers, the public was being educated in spiritual pinciples. The population was not being told that there is no meaning to life - it's just about getting ahead and get the best out of it, the short time there is to one's dsiposal.

It's quite obvious that if the majority of people believe that this is the only life they have and will ever get, then it becomes a race to succeed. You think this is the only chance you'll ever get to enjoy your material body.

But ths whole set up is to make people into good consumers. If you tell people that the highest goal of life is to ean money and spend it, you create good consumers. People who are educated in the real meaning of life, does not make for good consumers, and that is not wanted in a consumer society.

Imagine what a culture it would make, if the majority of people were convinced of the fact that this present live is just one out of billion of lives we have been through in the 8.400.000 species of life. Vi have tried repeatedly to become satisfied by fulfilling basic bodily and mental needs.

The needs of the body is to eat, sleep, mate, and defend. And the needs of the mind is the longing for name, fame, and position in society. You want to be somebody.

Those desires are inherent in all humans. It's not something we can escape. That type of desires are called material desires. It is bodily lust. The body is material, the mind is material, so therefore the desires and lust to fulfill their desires are considered material.

Material desires are selfish. Oneself is the center for one's needs. The selfishness can be either contracted to oneself, or it can be extended to one's family, friends, and society, but one's own body is always the center of one's activities.

Material desires are nothing but distortions of the self's real desires to serve Krishna. One can eat for Krishna, sleep for Krishna, mate for Krishna, and defend for Krishna. That's what a proper human culture should educate its population in. When the majority of people agree to serve the same whole, Krishna, then it creates greater unity and feeling of belonging in the people.

In stead of seeing everyone else as a body different from yourself, you see them as a soul, the same as you. In this way all feelings of racism, social differences, and national pride are eradicated, because all souls are equal, parts and parcels of the same whole.

But now a days people are educated to just get ahead as best they can, because there is nothing else, and there never will be anything else - this life is your only chance to get your desires fulfilled.

Instead of centering people around God, people are centered around  what? a flag, a piece of cloth. Does it get more meaningless and illusory than that? There are actually people who are willing to die for their nation, but this nation is nothing but a temporary bodily identity. In the eternal existence of the soul it lasts a few seconds. Thus, everything that enforces our bodily identity are established by ungodly powers.

A society in which the majority of people think they are their bodies, is a sick society. Spiritually sick. We know everything materially but spiritually we are in the dark. We have forgotten how blissful it is to serve Krishha. That's our disease - to be absorbed in sensegratification.

And the only cure for this disease is the name of Krishna. It doesn't matter whether one is a Christian, Hindu, Mohammedan or a Buddhist, the proces is the same - to sing, recite or meditate on Krishna's name. If one has some sectarian prejudice against the original name of God, Krishna, one can chant Jehova, Jahve, Allah, Jesus, Manito, Buddha, Om, or Ram, doesn't matter, the point is to chant God's name. If the population does that, the world will undoubtedly become a better place to be.

Krishna says:

My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most confidential knowledge and realization, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence. (Bg. 9.1)

This knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all secrets. It is the purest knowledge, and because it gives direct perception of the self by realization, it is the perfection of religion. It is everlasting, and it is joyfully performed.. (Bg. 9.2)

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