January 3, 2011

Everyone is suffering

Everybody is suffering in material existence. The bottom line of existence in a material body is lamentation and suffering. That's how Krishna has designed this world. Why? Because He wants us back with Him.

Whatever good karma you may have as a result of previous pious activities, it all ends in birth and death and in between there is disease and old age. Nobody can escape it except by Krishna's help.

And we are slaves of our senses and mind. Only Krishna can reinstate us in real happiness. Real happiness is that happiness that never ends. The material world is bad because, seen from the point of view of our real existence as an eternal soul, it is all illusory and ends in death.

We need religion to connect with Krishna and experience the eternal reality. Re-legio, from Latin, means to re-connect. That's where the word Lego comes from - I connect. Funny enough, the word yoga, from Sanskrit, means the same - to connect.

The material world is not real, not because it doesn't exist, but because it is temporary. In the eternal existence of your real self, what you do in this life, all the pleasure and pain you experience, all your values and love for family, society and friends - it all takes place in a few seconds. This life in a material body is no more important or right or noble than what the ants are doing on your lawn.

And why is this important to know? Because otherwise we will remain trapped in samsara, the endless cycle of birth and death.

Our present reality is only what we have been taught and trained up to believe. There is another eternal reality which we can connect to by Krishna's grace. We may not want that. We may want to stay in samsara. And Krishna will make arrangement for that, too.

But should you want to experience the real reality - your eternal relationship with Krishna, then you can also do that. It's an opportunity that is only available to the soul in the human life-form.  All other life-forms - fish, plants, insects, reptiles, birds, and animals are all busy trying to enjoy their bodies, eating, sleeping, mating, and defending.

Even better is to connect with the Absolute Truth and the eal purpose of life. Whatever nice experiences you have in your body - sex, friendship, work, aspirations and so on, becomes like pieces of broken glass when compared to the pleasure that lies in connecting with Krishna.

Most religions don't reveal the original, complete version of God, but the Vaishnava-religion does. It is the only religion on the planet that has complete information about God. Nowhere else will we be able to learn who God is, and what He wants with us. It is a very rare opportunity in the human form of life to obtain this knowledge. Eating, sleeping, mating, and defending we can do in any life-form. Cock-roaches also have sex.

Krishna is a fact that can be experienced by anyone who engages in the proper method.

Krishna says:

My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most confidential knowledge and realization, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence. (Bg. 9.1)

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