January 16, 2011

A Body Without a Head

Hard-core materialists and atheists like to judge the original Vedic social system according to the values and prejudice, they have been taught in the Western culture they grew up in. But the Vedic social system - varnashram dharma - is to be found all over the world.

Krishna says:

According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me. And although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the nondoer, being unchangeable. (Bg. 4.13)

In all human societies one can observe four types of human beings - the worker-type (skilled or unskilled), the merchant and business-type, the worrior and statesman-type, and the intellectual, priest or philosopher-type.

These four human types are to be found in all societies, and the varnashram social system, or the caste-system as it is infamously called, is merely a scientific description and organization of these different human types in society.

It is noteworthy, that Krishna says that the different human types are not to be determined by birth, but by one's ability and bodily tendency. Besides, before the Americans after WWII replaced the old traditions with their Coca-cola and Hollywood culture, people in Europe followed the varnashram system. The Church gave direction and defined the moral and ethics. The king ruled and enforced. The merchants and farmers traded, grew food, and created economy, and the worker, artist, and musician worked and entertained.

That the Church by time became corrupt and abused its power, is a different matter. The same thing happened in the Varnashrama social system in India, where the brahmins began to misuse and distort the system.

In an ideal society, the state governs in accordance with the directions of the sages and priests. But modern society is being run by the economy. It's the merchants who rule society and establishes its values and norms. That's why modern society is on its way over the brink.

Society can be likened to a body. The brahmins (the intelletual, the philosopher, the sage, the priest, and the teacher) are the head of the body. The Kshatriyas (the warrior, the king, the politician, military, and police) are the arms. The vaishyas (the farmer, the merchant, and the banker) are the belly; and the shudras (the worker, the skilled worker, the artist, the musician, the actor, and everyone who serves the other castes) are the legs.

The body is meant to be directed by the head. The function of the arms is to protect the body. The stomack's function is to nourish the body and distribute energy, and the function of the legs is to move the body here and there.

The modern Coca-cola society is a culture that is run by the belly. The merchants are in charge. It ought to be the head, but the modern society is more or less head-less. Or the head is governed by money. The present social body is bereft of a goal in life and long term-vision. It just stumbles along according to the dictation of its senses. Such a society, harmful and destructive as it is, naturally won't be allowed to dominate the world for long.

Nature is quite capable of regulating herself. That's why at the present moment, the modern western civilization is in the process of being demolished by nature. It is too harmful and destructive to nature and her inhabitants to be allowed to go on.

Krishna says:

This material nature, which is one of My energies, is working under My direction, O son of Kunti, producing all moving and nonmoving beings. Under its rule this manifestation is created and annihilated again and again. (Bg. 9.10)

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